
If you have had a chance to read my about me page, then you will know I was diagnosed with epilepsy when I was 20 years old. Since then I have had numerous people, both friends and family, who have been there for me to help me through the tough days and to come to terms with various changes in my life.

In 2013 after not having had a single seizure for about 15 years I had multiple seizures in a single day. After some time I was able to return to work, albeit with some restrictions for a while. When I returned to work the people I worked with daily were there for me. Checking on how I was feeling, making sure I didn’t overdo things and most of all just making sure I knew they were there for me. Given I work in a very large organisation this was something that I was not expecting.

This was something that was recently re-enforced for me when just last week I started having multiple seizures after not having any for almost 3 years. This time work colleagues stood by not only me, but my wife as well ensuring she was looked after. The number of people sending me messages letting me know they are thinking of me has been amazing, and the knowledge that when I am once again able to return to work that this can be worked through has been a great comfort.

My superhero’s do not wear capes or hide their identities behind masks. They are the people that I work with, my family and my friends. They are there for me when I need them most and when I least expect it.